I did the NYPH in December so will have to do another walk around later this month
4th Jan Arncott Area
Cardamine hirsuta - hairy bitter-cress
Strong basal rosete, <3 stem leaves, glabrous stem, 4 stamens, pods overtopping flowers
Holcus lanatus - Yorkshire fog
Pink stripy pyjamas, hairy stems
Deschampsia cespitosa - tufted hair-grass
Long jagged ligule, tussocks, rough barbed backward stroke leaves
Juncus inflexus - hard rush
Ridges up stems, chambered pith
Juncus effusus - soft rush
solid spongy pith, smooth shiny stems
Populus x canadensis - hybrid black popular
Large buds on branches with upturned ends
Anthoxanthum odoratum - sweet vernal-grass
Grassy root smell, whisker hairs on edge of roll top cloak auricle
Festuca ovina - sheep's-fescue
Needle rolled leaves, open cloak sheath, dense tufts, black roots